My Hobbies

Here are some of the things I enjoy doing in my free time:



I love capturing moments through the lens. Especially if it's landscapes or candid shots, photography allows me to express my creativity and see the world from different perspectives. I also enjoy capturing the moments. Since time only moves forward, each and every experince occurs only once that is why each photo is special.

Anime and Manga

Anime and Manga

Anime and Manga have been a significant part of my life, offering unique storytelling, and memorable characters. I enjoy exploring different genres and diving into complex narratives that these mediums provide. My favorites includes plots that have good twist and have very deep meaning. Each and every anime or manga provides me a set of new perspective and entertainment at the same time.

Studio Ghibli Movies

Studio Ghibli Movies

The magic of Studio Ghibli films, from the stunning animation to the heartfelt stories, never fails to captivate me. These movies are a beautiful escape into worlds of wonder, kindness, and timeless lessons. It is my comfort movie to watch.

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

I'm a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The thrilling action, character development, and interconnected stories keep me engaged, whether it's the latest blockbuster or revisiting old favorites. The movies here inspires me in my pursuit in physics because of the very realistic CGI of the movies.